Here are some facts about vaginal rejuvenation treatment

caB6tf6 | 04/08/2022 | 0 | Health & Beauty

For us, the passing of the years has affected us in different ways, and the truth is that this is a normal process, and we all tend to age. And in our quest for physical improvement, we are always researching the latest cosmetic treatments. Sometimes we focus on our face and other parts of our body, but there is a treatment now in vogue: the vaginal rejuvenation treatment!


Many people are familiar with Vaginal Rejuvenation, also known as Vaginoplasty. It is a quick procedure that takes about 1-2 hours. The vaginal muscles are tightened, and the structures of the vagina are strengthened. 


Vaginal Rejuvenation is used to treat vaginal relaxation. This condition is common after pregnancy and during aging. Let’s see some basic details about the procedure: 


It will improve vaginal structure. Vaginal rejuvenation is a popular procedure for women with v-zone structural issues. A lost Vaginal structure can cause discomfort or functional problems such as difficulty holding tampons or visible scar tissue around the vagina.


Also, experience a popping sound when doing yoga, walking, or other light activities. Nobody likes these problems. So this treatment will help you solve structural issues. 


Your sex life will be better. Vaginal rejuvenation treatment tightens your vaginal canal. As a result, it will increase friction and stimulates sex. Research shows that 83% and 90% of patients undergoing vaginal rejuvenation experience an improvement in their sexual lives.


Patients’ sexual lives are not just improved by vaginal tightening. The improvement in their aesthetic appearance also enhances their self-confidence, which leads to an increase in libido. 


It is best to have it done by a specialist. A specialist in aesthetic vaginal surgery should perform the treatment. To achieve optimal aesthetic and functional results, patients should look for a surgeon who has performed thousands or hundreds of Vaginal Rejuvenation and Vaginoplasty procedures.


It is a long-lasting investment. Patients are usually good to go until another vaginal birth occurs. Although it is normal for all parts of our bodies to relax as we age, the level of relaxation in the vaginal region should not be returned to pre-surgery.

Cost of Vaginal Rejuvenation


Vaginal rejuvenation patients will receive a customized treatment plan to meet their needs. Pricing can be affected if you have a history of multiple vaginal deliveries or have severe sagging (Pelvic Organ prolapse).


 It’s impossible to give an exact cost upfront due to all the variables. Each doctor will give you the total cost after consultation. 


At the initial consultation, patients can get an accurate estimate. It will enable them to conduct a thorough physical exam to determine the problem’s extent and talk with the patient about their wishes. 

Pros and cons of vaginal revitalization


Here are some common pros and cons of vaginal rejuvenation.




It improves self-confidence


Vaginal rejuvenation can be done for cosmetic reasons. A skilled OBGYN can help a woman look younger and give her self-confidence so that she can feel confident about her vaginal appearance.


It Enhances Sexual Sensations


It restores firmness to a woman’s vaginal walls. As women age, it is common for the vagina to become looser. Vaginal rejuvenation procedures tighten the walls of the vaginal canal, which not only improves a woman’s sexual sensations but also benefits her partner.


It cures bladder incontinence.


Vaginal rejuvenation may focus on tightening the pelvic floor muscles, which can help reduce or eliminate a woman’s urinary stress incontinence issues. When it comes to holding one’s urine, the pelvic floor is crucial. Bladder control problems are possible if it isn’t as tight as it should be.




The procedure may take more than one appointment.


A woman may need more than one appointment to undergo vaginal rejuvenation surgery. It will take a woman three to four appointments depending on the type and extent of her rejuvenation.


A possibility of infection or bleeding


There are risks associated with any surgery, including vaginal rejuvenation. Two main risks are associated with the procedure: infection and bleeding, which are difficult to control.


Recovery time


As with any surgical procedure, ambulatory or not, you always need a waiting period to recover. Unlike other non-surgical cosmetic procedures where you do not need a rest period, with the surgery to rejuvenate your V-zone, you will need a reasonable amount of time to resume your daily activities.

Are you unsure if this is the right procedure for you?


You better understand the basics, pros, and cons associated with vaginal rejuvenation. Are you ready to decide if this is the right choice for you? Each woman is unique, so this decision is very personal. If you feel this procedure will improve your self-esteem and sexual satisfaction, you should try it. Just ask a professional before deciding. 


Also, research and learn more about the benefits of vaginal rejuvenation if there are any issues you don’t like about your area. Remember, once again, that vaginal rejuvenation should be performed by a skilled medical professional.

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